10 Fitness Laboratory
We’re not just a fitness gym chain in Chennai, we’re a community with a rapidly growing number of members. That’s a lot of members changing their lives every day with 10 Fitness Laboratory. Be one of them!
Workout Routines
Build Muscle / Burn Fat
In the realm of fitness, three-month workout programs dominate the landscape. You’ve even seen plenty of them in our magazine over the years.
Fitness Classes
Find your fit with your group
Going to the gym, you only get out what you put in. This is where classes come in handy! While you may be able to say to yourself “not right now”
Nutrition Tips
Fuel your ambition
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to health and nutrition. People, even qualified experts, often seem to have the exact opposite opinions.
Exercise to stay healthy
Even on days when you have other exercise plans, get out of bed and make a bee-line for a spot on the floor where you can spend as little as five minutes—60 seconds per move—to distribute blood flow to muscles, lubricate the joints and boost your metabolism.

Last Decade Results
Who comes to our gym?
The importance of personal training
We recommend Personal Training if you've had trouble kick-starting your fitness journey. We understand that different training methods suit different people, so we want to match you with the right personal trainer to achieve your goals.
Weekly Classes Schedule
Achieve your fitness goals in one of the Exclusively 10 FITNESS LABORATORY in Mylapore, you will reach your fitness goal in no time. we are here to provide a variety of training options, guidance, and support to help you stay on track and reach your goals.
Workout Routines
Designed by the world's best industry experts to help you get the best possible results.
Find a comprehensive fitness plan, for free. Ready... Set... Sweat!
Find a comprehensive fitness plan, for free. Ready... Set... Sweat!
Fitness Calculators
Give your visitors a chance to easily calculate important values about their health and activity.
They will love this feature. They will want to come back because of this feature!
They will love this feature. They will want to come back because of this feature!
“I started with 10 Fitness Laboratory having no background in fitness. After my first session, I knew that my only regret was not doing it earlier. The trainers, programming and sessions are run with complete precision.”

November 26, 2018
“10 Fitness Laboratory is awesome! Everyone is super friendly, the workouts are always different and I constantly notice the improvements in my strength and fitness. The trainers are excellent and always help to push and motivate you while at the same time putting in the extra time and attention to perfect your technique.”

November 10, 2018
“First time joining a gym and absolutely loved it. Andy has a great team and the knowledge they have makes each workout challenging to people of all fitness levels. Definitely would recommend this gym!”

October 26, 2018